Saturday, November 7, 2009

I love New York in the Fall

The opening scene of "You've Got Mail" has to do with 'don't you love New York in the fall?' I've always wondered about that. I must say I concur. I totally and completely love New York in the fall.

Sorry it's been so long since the last post. We've really been in survival mode around here. We got the apartment to where we can function and just started, well, functioning. L and I spend most of the day at the park--I figure we'd best get outside as much as we can before the cold sets in. The word on the street is that this part of town is very windy, the icy wind coming in off of the Hudson, which is right next to the park. Perhaps Central Park will be less windy/cold? I'm not sure. What I'm trying to say is this: I would rather have L running around making friends (and me making friends) than organizing/cleaning. There will be plenty of time for indoor activity once the snow flies, and less opportunity for meeting people for mommy/play dates. My parents and sister are coming to stay with us for Thanksgiving, so my goal is to have this place dressed to impress by then. Hopefully things will be nice; we've decided to splurge just a bit to make it homey and livable--after getting three houses nice just in time to move out (and not enjoy) we decided that was lame and to try to enjoy things right away. New curtains, some IKEA storage pieces, new beds for us and L, etc. Our new bed is crazy--the box spring is a storage unit--pretty much our "attic" now, and makes our bed waist-height, L can't get onto or off of by herself. Fortunately the room is just big enough to handle it--the 9.5' ceilings help.

Halloween was fun; we spent it with some new friends whose little girl L adores. They just happen to be from MN--you know, good people ;-) L was less into dressing up for Halloween than I thought she would be, though she pretty much is a Fashion Monkey every day. She wore a tutu, but she'd been wearing that tutu for four days in a row, so, you know, it was the Four Days of Halloween here. Her little friend lent her a Fancy Nancy Hat, so I suppose she was Fancy Nancy. She was fancy.
The day started with a costume parade to Hippo Park led by some bagpipe players, ending with cider and dough nuts and slides. The a party at the friend's building. Apparently their building has 21 small children in it--we were the only non-building attendees. Having a close knit community is one advantage to buying in NYC, despite the closing costs that are the same price as some small homes.

Speaking of homes, we quickly and virtually painlessly unloaded our house in NC (though we did put the $$$ in) THANK GOD. One down, one to go. No buying in NYC for the time being. That is A-OK with us, thought the thought is tantalizing.

Today was AMAZING out. Warm and sunny, and we spent most of it in Madison and Central Parks. I even got a little poetry/lyric writing in, which makes the whole day feel worth living, and my various and sundry knitting projects are coming along swimmingly, I'll have to post some pics as soon as I get my act together.

with much love,

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